
Evidence of body modification in Japan dates back hundreds of years. As one of the most technologically advanced countries, Japan boasts many extreme forms of modification that haven’t been widely adopted by other countries yet. One of my favorite forms to observe is bagel head-ing which essentially consists of injecting a liquid into the modifier’s forehead that creates a non-permanent bulge to be released through urination after 6-24 hours. This is not a common procedure, as it is reserved for the most extreme modifiers.

If it’s possible, a fantastic representative for this room would be Keroppy Maeda, who originally brought the bagel head practice to Japan in 2007. He is one of the only people today who can safely, swiftly perform this procedure. It would be cool to have a prototype-version of the bagel head on a manikin or something so people can get an idea of the feeling in real life. Or, if possible, we could even set up a demonstration in a walled off room with a window so that it can remain sterile while the audience observes. All participants would have to be 100% willing to do so. The video above will be played on a loop as well.